Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pranahitha River is connected to Pisces

The Twelve important Indian Rivers are connected to the Zodiac Signs:

Ganges is connected to Aries; Reva river is connected to Taurus; Saraswati is connected to Gemini; Yamuna is connected to Cancer; Godavari is connected to Leo; Krishna is connected to Virgo; Kaveri is connected to Libra; Bhima River is connected to Scorpio; Radhya Saga is connected to Sagittarius; Tungabhadra is connected to Capricorn; Indus is connected to Aquarius; Pranahitha is connected to Pisces;

Pushkaram is a celebration near each of these twelve rivers which occurs once in every 12 years. Millions of people participate in each celebration, taking a dip in the river in order to purify their souls and bodies.

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